Let’s face it, no one wants to gain weight. You notice it in the mirror and sometimes it can be embarrassing. It really hits home when your clothes won’t fit and you begin to feel uncomfortable. Of course, we all hate belly fat because it doesn’t look good on us, but did you know that belly fat can be dangerous to your health?
You see, the problem with fat is that each fat cell can only grow so large. When it can’t increase in size anymore, it starts to divide. Instead of having one fat cell, you end up having two. When the second fat cell gets to it largest stage, it divides, producing yet another.
Because of this you could have an excessive amount of unwanted fat cells. If you don’t do anything to burn the fat away you could end up with hundreds or thousands of fatty cells all taking up extra room in your abdomen.
It’s easy for fat to settle in the stomach. In fact, the belly is one of the most common places to gain weight. And when that starts, your belt gets to tight, your pants won’t button and you have to wear longer tops. But aside from having to buy new clothes and shunning the beach, belly fat poses even more dangerous problems to your health.
The problem with having belly fat is that it tends to cause large amounts of fat around your organs. This fat is quite dangerous actually and increases your risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and even cancer. This particular type of fat is also linked to high cholesterol, high blood pressure and high insulin levels – all of which can cause severe health problems.
So, How Much Belly Fat Is Dangerous?
Researchers believe that women whose waists measure over 35 inches and men whose measure over 403 are in the most danger of belly fat related health problems. However, if you have excess belly fat of any size, it’s in your best interest to take measures to reduce it now, before it gets out of hand. When you do, you’ll be much healthier and look better too!
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