Bad Breath: Causes, Solutions, and What You Should Know

Posted by Kashif Iqbal

Nine times out of ten, the cause of bad breath starts right in your mouth. Knowing what causes bad breath is an important part of getting rid of it. If you want to know how to cure bad breath, first you need to determine what is causing it and then you can get started on fixing it and preventing it from reoccurring.
Food is one of the most common causes of bad breath. When food particles linger in our mouth they breakdown in and around our teeth and emit a foul odor. Other times, the foods we eat even when they don't hang around can be odor inducing. For instance, foods like garlic or onions have oils that when absorbed into the bloodstream are carried into the lungs and emit a foul smell well we breathe.
Poor dental hygiene can also be a cause of bad breath. When you do not brush your teeth or floss on a daily basis bacteria collects, food particles become lodged and these things emit hydrogen sulfide vapors. This is also what causes plaque to form on your teeth. It can also lead to periodontal disease which is another common cause of bad breath. What's more, is that when plaque builds up it can lead to tooth decay and cause bad breath.
Dry mouth can also cause bad breath because saliva doesn't just moisten your mouth, it helps cleanse it as well. When your mouth is excessively dry dead cells build up on your tongue, gums, and cheeks. When these cells begin to decompose it causes bad breath. This is why people have foul breath when they wake up in the morning.
There are a number of things that you can do to cure bad breath at home. First and foremost, practice good oral hygiene. Brush your teeth after meals, floss at least once daily, and don't forget to brush your tongue. Make sure you replace your toothbrush regularly. Clean dental appliances and false teeth. Drink an adequate amount of water so that you stimulate saliva and wash away food particles and bacteria. Chew on parsley or a sugarless mint and don't forget to cure bad breath a visit to the dentist never hurt.


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