Blood Pressure: Control It Or Suffer The Consequences Author: Chris Imamshah

Posted by Kashif Iqbal

Author: Chris Imamshah
  1. This can lead to serious health problems down the line if you do not catch it soon. If your blood pressure is low you will be able to function better because your vital organs will get the proper blood flow they need to function properly. There are ways you can control your blood pressure, but first let’s try to get a clearer understanding of what high blood pressure can do to your body.

High blood pressure can cause heart attack and stroke:

If your blood pressure is high it will cause your body to work overtime to get the proper needed nutrients to the parts of your body that need them the most. These organs include your liver, your kidneys, and your brain. High blood pressure makes it hard to feed these organs. When your brain does not get enough blood it can lead to constant chronic headaches you may not take too seriously at first, but overtime their intensity will build up and before you know it you are at serious risk for a stroke. A stroke can leave you paralyzed on one or both sides of your body for the rest of your life. It can impair your speech, affect your ability to control your bodily functions and make you lose your memory.

A heart attack may not be as severe because you can take some simple measures to control it. The trick is to control your blood pressure in the first place. If you feel you are at serious risk for a heart attack then you can go get some aspirin to thin your blood, if you thin your blood you take away some of the risk, your body will be able to pump blood properly. The areas of your body that could also suffer because of your high blood pressure will be at less risk.

High blood pressure can lead to an enlarged heart:

When your blood pressure is high it can lead to an enlarged heart. Your heart cannot function properly this way. Eating salty foods and foods that are high in saturated fat contribute to high blood pressure. If your heart can’t function right then you will begin to feel the impact, you may notice trouble breathing, tightness in the chest and a hard time doing tasks that at first were not hard to you. The best way to control this is to not eat foods that have high levels of sodium and saturated fats in them. This will go a long way in keeping your heart from becoming enlarged.

High blood pressure may get so out of hand that you may not have a choice but to go to a doctor to get help, but it is completely in your power to control your blood pressure and if you value your life you will take every step to do so.


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